I’ve been here a few times before, behind a blog I mean. Although, I don’t think I ever published them publicly. I would obsessively edit and re-edit. Fear of my words being made public and permanent would settle in and I would quickly fizzle out. I’ve been writing privately since my 7th grade poetry unit in English class, that’s when I discovered creating with words. Poetry, prose and journaling have been hobbies of mine, every now and then I even shared with friends or loved ones who encouraged me or said I had a gift. It felt nice, but also pointless.
Apart from journaling to process and reflect, why write words?
A gift and offering.
That’s not to say I believe myself to be prodigious, far from it. But if I’m skilled enough and I enjoy it, I feel a duty to steward it. So, why blog? I want to write for God’s glory, to encourage others and bring something good.
Especially now, when it's so easy to mindlessly scroll, unconsciously consume and feel overrun with the struggles and confusion on every side. There is hope.
A beautiful hope found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm writing as a way of sharing the reason for my hope and spurring other women on along the way.
Maybe it’s an application of scripture, encouragement for a weary mama, practical help or a glimpse of something beautiful and inspiring.
So, I’m stepping out of draft mode and offering whatever I have, meager or mighty, may He use it for His glory and the good of others. I hope you find something of value here. Whether it sparks an idea or contemplation, encourages action, reflection, or brings a smile; whatever it does, my ultimate hope is that it reflects glimpses of our Savior and kindles your hunger for Truth and intentional living.
May we run the race well,